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Art, Kids

Sketching Star Wars Characters: First Attempts

When Tita Candy came to visit, she gifted Matthew with a how-to-draw Star Wars book.

To a preschooler, it’s exciting. And then frustrating. It took several attempts to explain that drawing can be personal, art doesn’t have to replicate, and that the point is really to enjoy the process.

For someone who doesn’t really draw (i.e., me), it looks like a great idea but quite daunting.

Thank goodness The Dad is an artist and can demonstrate and show a few tricks.

So the little artist drew, and drew. A ton of scratch paper and a steely sense of determination brought a first batch of proudly-made art.


C3PO and R2D2

R2D2 in Tattooine

Battle Droid

X-Wing vs Star Destroyer

Jabba the Hutt

I think I need to put a gallery up somewhere. There’s a lot more since those first drawings.


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